Customized Relational Quality: A Systematic Review

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Customized Relational Quality: A Systematic Review

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Title: Customized Relational Quality: A Systematic Review
Author: mukson, mukson; Setiadi, Roby; wadli, wadli
Abstract: This paper aims to analyse the importance of relational marketing, along with the factors that contribute to level of customization. In this regard, the study would like to contribute to the deepening of the body of knowledge about the role of customized relational quality in its function to improve marketing performance. By using qualitative study with systematic review analysis, the results show that customization will provide services that are more relevant to the needs and desires of buyers in differentiating offerings and competitors so that will increase the value of the offer. Customization is one of the characteristics of competition. The implication of customization is that the operating system must be flexible to control the customer's unique needs and change its design. It is also noteworthy to mention some factors capable of determining the level of customization, such as high flexibility, high volume and economical and timely.
Date: 2018-11-15

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